Sin City 2?Sin City 2?

Ascultă acest articol tells us that Miller was in Rome to present Liongate’s Christmas Day release.

In the Q&A session with Miller, he say about Sin City ne spune ca Miller a fost la Roma pentru a prezenta lista de lansari de Craciun, casei de productie Liongate.

Intr-o sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri, cu Miller, el spune despre Sin City 2:

“I can’t talk about my projects, because I don’t believe a movie is real until I see the title on the screen. There are many things that can go wrong. But I can tell you that I’m very close to begin ‘Sin City 2’ with Robert Rodriguez. We have to arrange a few things and we’ll be back in action.”


“Nu pot vorbi despre proiectele mele, pentru ca eu nu cred ca un film este gata pana nu vad titlul pe ecran. Sunt multe chestii care pot merge rau. Dar pot sa iti spun ca sunt foarte aproape sa incep “Sin CIty 2″ cu Robert Rodriguez. Avem sa punem la punct cateva chestii si ne vom intoarce in putere.”

“I can’t talk about my projects, because I don’t believe a movie is real until I see the title on the screen. There are many things that can go wrong. But I can tell you that I’m very close to begin ‘Sin City 2’ with Robert Rodriguez. We have to arrange a few things and we’ll be back in action.”



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