Brad Ingelsby va scrie “Sleeper”Brad Ingelsby to Write Sleeper

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Warner Bros. Pictures has hired Brad Ingelsby to write Sleeper, an adaptation of the DC Comics/Wildstorm comic being produced by Sam Raimi with Star Road Entertainment partner Josh Donen, reports Variety.

Warner Bros. Pictures l-a cooptat pe Brad Ingelsby sa scrie scriptul filmului Sleeper, o adaptare dupa banda desenata a celor de la DC Comics/Wildstorm, si va fi regizat de Sam Raimi in parteneriat cu Josh Done, membru Star Road Entertainment, ne spune Variety.

The comic, written by Ed Brubaker, centers on an operative whose fusion with an alien artifact makes him impervious to pain and allows him to pass the ability on to others through skin contact.

Ingelsby made his first script sale in March, selling Low Dweller for Ridley Scott to direct and Leonardo DiCaprio to star in.


Banda desenata, scrisa de Ed Brubaker, are ca poveste: un operator care a luat contact cu un artifact extraterestru devine imun la durere si capata abilitatea ca prin orice atingere a pielii altor persoane, sa preia abilitatile acestora.

Ingelsby a scris primul sau script in martie, si l-a vandut lui Low Dweller pentru Ridley Scott care va regiza filmul si Leonardo DiCaprio sa joace in el.


[spoiler]Warner Bros. Pictures has hired Brad Ingelsby to write Sleeper, an adaptation of the DC Comics/Wildstorm comic being produced by Sam Raimi with Star Road Entertainment partner Josh Donen, reports Variety.

The comic, written by Ed Brubaker, centers on an operative whose fusion with an alien artifact makes him impervious to pain and allows him to pass the ability on to others through skin contact.

Ingelsby made his first script sale in March, selling Low Dweller for Ridley Scott to direct and Leonardo DiCaprio to star in.[/spoiler]


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