After Dark HorrorFest 4 – Trailer, Postere si Detalii

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Horrorfest s-a intors cu cea de-a 4 editie din 2010. Inca 8 filme de gen vor sarbatori festivalul inceput in 2006 de catre After Dark Films. In acest an festivalul prezinta filme de groaza, psihologice, cu creaturi si fantome.

Cele 8 filme alese in acest an filme sunt (click pe poster pentru imagine mai mare):


Lake Mungo

The Reeds

The Graves

Zombies of Mass Destruction

The Final

Kill Theory


Evenimentul extrem de groaza – HORRORFEST – 8 FILMS TO DIE FOR— va rula in cinematografe in perioada 29 ianuarie – 4 februarie.


Horrorfest is back with it’s 4th Installment in 2010. There are 8 more films to die for in this annual celebration of horror started in 2006 by After Dark Films. This year’s “fest” includes a wide range of horror from psychological to slasher, creature feature to ghost story. This year’s titles are: Dread, Lake Mungo, The Reeds, The Graves, Zombies of Mass Destruction, The Final, Kill Theory and Hidden. The Ultimate Horror Event – HORRORFEST – 8 FILMS TO DIE FOR—In Theatres January 29th-February 4th.



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