Passengers – Gabriele Muccino si Keanu Reeves

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Passengers, descris ca o poveste de dragoste ce are loc pe o nava spatiala, din ce afirma Variety, va fi regizat de italianul Gabriele Muccino (Pursuit of Happyness, Seven Pounds) iar scenariul va fi scris de Jon Spaihts care scrie si continuarea filmului Alien, regizat de Ridley Scott.


Povestea filmului va avea loc in viitor pe o nava spatiala aflata intr-o calatorie intergalactica catre o noua planeta. Datorita unei mici defectiuni de computer, un singur pasager (Reeves) se trezeste din somnul criogenic cu 90 de ani mai devreme decat ceilalti. Cu gandul ca va trai si va muri singur, el trezeste o femeie frumoasa.



Passengers, a film described as a love story set on a spaceship which Variety reports Italian filmmaker Gabriele Muccino (Pursuit of Happyness, Seven Pounds) is looking to direct. The sci-fi romance was written by Jon Spaihts who also wrote the upcoming Alien prequel for Ridley Scott.

The film is set in the future on a spacecraft making a centuries-long interstellar voyage to a new planet. Due to a computer glitch, a single passenger (Reeves) awakens from cryogenic sleep 90 years before anyone else. Faced with the prospect of growing old and dying alone, he in turn, awakens another beautiful woman.



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