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Postere (afișe), Trailere, Imagini din filme și seriale

Black Swan – Trailere si Postere

" Un thriller despre o dansatoare de balet veterana si rivala sa." IMDb T R A I L E R 1 T R A I L E R 2 (NOU) "A thriller that hones in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival....

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 – Montaj video

Cei de la CinemaBlend au primit direct de la compania producatoare Warner Bros., un colaj video menit sa scoata in evidenta coloana sonora a filmului Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 video montage contains...

Another Year – Trailer si Postere

" A married couple who have managed to remain blissfully happy into their autumn years, are surrounded over the course of the four seasons of one average year by friends... " IMDb " A married couple who have managed to remain blissfully happy...

The Green Hornet – Trailere si Postere

"Noaptea, editorul de ziar Britt Reid lupta cu crima costumat intr-un super-erou pe nume The Green Hornet. Alaturi de el este si expertul in arte martiale Kato. " IMDb T R A I L E R 1 T R A I L E...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 – Interviuri video

InterCom Film au primit cateva interviuri video cu Daniel Radcliffe, David Yates, Emma Watson si Ruper Grint, ce discuta despre Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, si ni le-au trimis si noua: Daniel Radcliffe David Yates Emma Watson Ruper Grint Video Interviews with cast of Harry Potter...

The Grace Card – Trailer si Poster

"In fiecare zi avem posibilitatea de a reface relatiile prin extinderea si primirea bunavointei lui Dumnezeu. Ofera bunavointa si niciodata nu subestima puterea dragostei lui Dumnezeu. " IMDb "Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild relationships by extending and receiving God's...

Every Day – Trailer si Poster

"O comedie despre un cuplu din New York City (Schreiber si Hunt) ce trec printr-o criza de romantism. " IMDb "A comedy about a New York City couple (Schreiber and Hunt) in romantic crisis. " IMDb

Born to Be Wild – Trailer si Poster

"Born to be Wild 3D" e o poveste de dragoste, dedicatie si o remarcabila conexiune intre oameni si animale. "Born to be Wild 3D" is an inspired story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond between humans and animals.

The Mechanic – Trailer si Poster

"Un asasin de elita este mentorul unui ucenic ce are conexiune cu una din victimele sale din trecut." IMDb "Follows an elite hit man as he teaches his trade to an apprentice who has a connection to one of his previous victims. " IMDb

Season of the Witch – Trailere si Postere

O boala ataca Europa celui de-al 14 secol si un cavaler pe nume Lavey este angajat sa transporte, catre locul unde va avea loc procesul, o fata suspecta ca ar fi responsabila de aceasta boala, prin vrajitorie. Cavalerul crede ca fata este acuzata pe...

Megamind – Reportaj video despre productie

Multumita ROIMAGE avem acces la un material video despre productia animatiei Megamind cu interviuri ale actorilor a caror voci apartin personajelor principale. Megamind Making Off Video.

Family Guy Presents: It’s a Trap – Trailer si Poster

Faceti loc pentru cel de-al treilea capitol din cea mai amuzanta trilogie din galaxie! Clear some space for the third chapter of the funniest freakin' trilogy in the galaxy!
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