Inception – Blu-ray

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Thrillerul lui Christopher Nolan, Inception va fi lansat in format Blu-ray, in the Anglia, incepand cu data de 6 decembrie intr-un pachet “triple play” (DB/DVD/Copie Digitala).

Bonusurile vor include  “WB’s Maximum Movie Mode”, prima oara intr-un film al lui Nolan.

Va exista si o editie limitata “Limited Edition Briefcase” care va veni cu cinci carduri cu concepte artistice din film, un titrez si o brosura – care este de fapt manualul de utilizare a dispozitivului  “PASIV (Portable Automated Somnacin IntraVenous)” folosit in film.

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Maximum Movie Mode: Christopher Nolan si Leonardo DiCaprio ne ofera informatii despre lumea din Inception si ne invata despre amanuntele care probabil le-am omis, din film. Intrebari, raspunsuri, surprize si intrigi sunt toate prezentate aici!
  • Prolog (Banda Desenata in Miscare):
    • Inception: The Cobol Job: Banda Desenata Online ce ofera detalii despre cum Cobb, Arthur si Nash au fost alesi de catre Cobol Engineering pentru a-l recupera pe Saito.
    • Inception: The Big Under: Povestea care ne prezinta cum Cobb si compania ajung la Saito si-l un in lumea viselor de la inceputul filmului.
  • Dream of Consciousness: Materiale fascinante despre visul lucid si cum mari oameni de stiinta incearca sa ne explice despre lumea viselor, realitatea paralela si constiinta.
  • 15 Focus Pods
  • Galerie foto


Christopher Nolan’s mindbending thriller Inception will be released on Blu-ray in the UK on December 6, in a “triple play” (BD/DVD/Digital Copy) combo pack. Special features will reportedly include WB’s Maximum Movie Mode, a first for a Nolan film. Also available will be a very enticing Limited Edition Briefcase with five movie art cards, a spinning top and a booklet – which is actually the user manual for the PASIV (Portable Automated Somnacin IntraVenous) device used in the movie.

According to product listings, special features will include:

  • Maximum Movie Mode: Christopher Nolan and Leonardo DiCaprio extract information about the world of Inception and learn about all things you may have missed in the film. Questions, answers, surprises and intrigue are all there for the taking!
  • Prologue (Motion Comics):
    • Inception: The Cobol Job: Online comic that details how Cobb, Arthur and Nash came to be enlisted by Cobol Engineering to perform an extraction on Saito.
    • Inception: The Big Under: The story that reveals how Cobb and company get to Saito to put him under for the dream featured in the beginning of the film.
  • Dream of Consciousness: Taking some of the most fascination and cutting-edge dream research to date on lucid dreaming, leading scientist to make the case that the dream world is not an altered state of consciousness, but a fully functional parallel reality.
  • 15 Focus Pods
  • Photo Gallery



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