Warner Home Video au anuntat ca filmul Yes Man, care-l are in rolul principal pe Jim Carrey, va fi lansat in format Blu-ray din 7 aprilie in aceeasi zi cu varianta DVD.
Acest film este pregatit sa apara in format BD-25 impreuna cu o copie digitala a filmului pe un disc separat. In ca nu au fost anuntate detaliile tehnice.
Extrasele vor include:
- In spatele povestii
- Calatorie pe platoul de filmare al filmului Yes Man
- Jim Carey: Extreme Yes Man – The Outrageous Physical Activities
- Interpretat de Carrey si altii
- Pe platou cu Danny Wallace: Originalul Yes Man
- Sunetele viitorului: Munchausen de Proxy Ep.#TK421
- In exclusivitate 5 Munchausen de Proxy Music Videos
- Yes Loans! Infomercial
- Spune Yes la Red Bull! Numai cum Carrey poate sa o faca
- Yes Man: Petrecere mare cu Norman Stokes
- Scene aditionale
- Secvente haioase
- BD-Live
Warner Home Video has announced that they will bring the Jim Carrey film ‘Yes Man‘ to Blu-ray on April 7th, day-and-date with the DVD release. This film is currently scheduled to be released on a BD-25 along with a digital copy of the film on a separate disc. Technical specs have yet to be announced at this time.
Extras for this release include:
- Behind the Story
- Down Time on the Set of Yes Man
- Jim Carey: Extreme Yes Man – The Outrageous Physical Activities
- Performed by Carrey and Others
- On Set with Danny Wallace: The Original Yes Man
- Future Sounds: Munchausen by Proxy Ep.#TK421
- 5 Exclusive Munchausen by Proxy Music Videos
- Yes Loans! Infomercial
- Say Yes to Red Bull! As Only Carrey Can
- Yes Man: Party Central with Norman Stokes
- Additional Footage
- Gag Reel
- BD-Live