Alien Quadriology – Blu-ray?

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Niste francezi care au cumparat, recent, James Bond Blu-ray box set, au fost surprinsi cand au gasit in cutie un “fluturas” cu productia Fox, Alien Quadrilogy Blu-ray box set cu mesajul “Coming Soon” (in curand).

Tinand cont ca nu s-a auzit si nu s-a anuntat nimic legat de aceasta lansare, personal nu pot decat sa ma bucur (ceva mai mult fiind un fan al seriei Alien) si sa asteptam si un anunt oficial. Iata si o poza cu acel “fluturas” :



French buyers of a recently released James Bond Blu-ray box set were surprised to find inside the box a flyer with upcoming Fox titles that included a never-seen- before picture of an ‘Alien Quadrilogy’ Blu-ray box set with the caption “coming soon”.



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