Killer Joe – Emile Hirsch si Matthew McConaughey

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Matthew McConaughey si Emile Hirsch vor juca in o productia Voltage Pictures, Killer Joe, o comedie neagra, spune The Hollywood Reporter.

Filmarile incep din 8 noiembrie in imprejurimile New Orleans.

Scenariul scris de castigatorul unui premiu Pulitzer si Tony Award, Tracy Letts, este despre un frate (Hirsch) si o sora ce pun la cale sa-si ucida mama pentru a pune mana pe polita de asigurare, angajandu-l pe “Killer Joe” Cooper, un politist si asasin platit (McConaughey) sa se ocupe de situatie.

William Friedkin va fi regizorul peliculei iar Scott Einbinder de la ANA Media impreuna cu Nicolas Chartier de la Voltage vor fi producatorii.



Matthew McConaughey and Emile Hirsch will star in Voltage Pictures’ black comedy Killer Joe, says The Hollywood Reporter. The film starts shooting on November 8 in and around New Orleans.

The script, by Pulitzer Prize- and Tony Award-winning writer Tracy Letts, centers on a brother (Hirsch) and sister combo who plot the death of their mother for the insurance money and hire “Killer Joe” Cooper, a cop and contract killer (McConaughey) to do the deed.

William Friedkin will direct the movie. Scott Einbinder of ANA Media and Voltage’s Nicolas Chartier are producing.



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