Death Race 2 – Blu-ray

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Universal Studios Home Entertainment au anuntat filmul Death Race 2 pentru Blu-ray incepand cu 18 ianuarie 2011, in format DB/DVD/Copie Digitala ce include varianta normala si necenzurata a continuarii filmului thriller de actiune din 2008,Death Race. Danny Trejo, Ving Rhames, Sean Bean si Luke Goss sunt eroii principali, si se vor intoarce si Fred Koehler si Robin Shou, din primul film.

Bonurile vor include:

  • Comentariu cu regizorul Roel Reiné
  • Scene sterse cu introducerea regizorului Roel Reiné
  • Montaj cu duble cu introducerea regizorului Roel Reiné
  • The Race Begins: The Evolution of the Death Race: cum se integreaza noul film in franciza The Death Race.
  • Cheating Death: The Stunts of Death Race 2: cascadorii invita pe privitori sa participe la cursa vietii.
  • Fast Cars and Firearms: The Cars of Death Race 2: o vedere sub capota bolizilor din film.
  • DB-Live
  • My Scenes
  • Pocket BLU
    • Advanced Remote Control
    • Video Timeline
    • Mobile-To-Go
    • Virtual Keyboard
    • UHEAR: this innovative feature instantly skips back a few seconds on your Blu-ray™ disc and turns on the subtitles for the section you couldn’t hear.


Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced Death Race 2 for Blu-ray release on January 18, 2011, in a BD/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack including the unrated and rated versions of this direct-to-video prequel to the 2008 action thriller Death Race. Danny Trejo, Ving Rhames, Sean Bean and Luke Goss star, along with returning cast members Fred Koehler and Robin Shou.

Special features include:

  • Feature commentary with director Roel Reiné
  • Deleted scenes with introduction by director Roel Reiné
  • Deleted shots montage with introduction by director Roel Reiné
  • The Race Begins: The Evolution of the Death Race: a look at how the prequel fits into the Death Race franchise.
  • Cheating Death: The Stunts of Death Race 2: the film’s death-defying stunt crew invites viewers along on the ride of a lifetime.
  • Fast Cars and Firearms: The Cars of Death Race 2: take a look under the hood of the awe-inspiring autos featured in the film.
  • BD-Live
  • My Scenes
  • Pocket BLU
    • Advanced Remote Control
    • Video Timeline
    • Mobile-To-Go
    • Virtual Keyboard
    • UHEAR: this innovative feature instantly skips back a few seconds on your Blu-ray™ disc and turns on the subtitles for the section you couldn’t hear.



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