Lionsgate Home Entertainment au anuntat, si ei, filmul de animatie Alpha and Omega pentru Blu-ray incepand cu data de 11 ianuarie 2011, intr-un pachet ce contine DB/DVD/Copie Digitala.
In aceasta animatie de aventura este vorba despre doi lupi, din haite diferite, care se indragostesc si trebuie sa se descurce impreuna. Animatia este prezentata in 3D la cinematografe dar inca nu s-a anuntat varianta 3D si la Blu-ray.
Bonusurile vor include:
- Joc Interactiv: “Log Sliding”
- Wolves in the Wild: clip video
- The Alpha of Animation
- Voicing the Wolves
- De la Alpha la Omega
- Test de personalitate: Esti Alpha sau Omega?
- Animal Fun Facts Trivia
Lionsgate Home Entertainment has announced the animated movie Alpha and Omega for Blu-ray release on January 11, 2011, in a BD/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack. This road trip/adventure movie with undertones of romantic comedy centers on two wolves from opposite sides of the social spectrum that must join forces to return to their pack. It was shown theatrically in 3D, but the studio has not announced a 3D Blu-ray release at this time.
Special features include:
- Interactive Game: “Log Sliding”
- Wolves in the Wild: featurette
- The Alpha of Animation
- Voicing the Wolves
- From Alpha to Omega
- Personality Test: Are You an Alpha or an Omega?
- Animal Fun Facts Trivia