I Spit on Your Grave – Blu-Rays

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Anchor Bay au anutat data de 8 februarie 2011 ca data de lansare pentru filmul original din 1978 dar si remake-ul din 2010 pentru I Spit on Your Grave, amandoua in variante “unrated director’s cut”.

In 1978, I Spit on Your Grave a socat prin toata lumea, criticii au fost asprii dar audientei le-a placut mesajul puternic dat de eroina principala.

Bonusurile vor include:

I Spit on Your Grave (1978):

  • Interviu nou cu scenaristul/producatorul/regizorul Meir Zarchi despre cum s-a facut filmul si cum s-a mentinut de-alungul timplului

I Spit on Your Grave (2010):

  • Comentarii cu producatorul Lisa Hansen si regizorul Steven R. Monroe
  • Materiale video din culise
  • Prezentari video (teaser & trailer)
  • Scene sterse


Anchor Bay has announced that, on February 8, 2011, it will release the cult movie I Spit on Your Grave and its 2010 remake, both in an unrated director’s cut. Back in 1978, I Spit on Your Grave shocked audiences all over the world – critics reviled it, but audiences embraced its woman empowerment message.

Special features include:

I Spit on Your Grave (1978):

  • All-new interview with writer/producer/director Meir Zarchi about the making of this film and its legacy for the past three decades

I Spit on Your Grave (2010):

  • Filmmakers commentary with producer Lisa Hansen and director Steven R. Monroe
  • Behind-the-scenes featurette
  • Original theatrical teaser and trailer
  • Deleted scenes



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