Saw 3D – Blu-ray & Blu-ray 3D

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Lionsgate Home Entertainment au anuntat pentru Blu-ray cu o data de lansare incepand cu 25 ianuarie 2011, ultimul film din franciza Saw, numit initial Saw VII, redenumit apoi  Saw 3D odata cu lansarea s-a in cinematografe, iar apoi in Saw: The Final Chapter pentru variantele pe DVD si Blu-ray ale filmului.

Saw 3D va fi in doua variante necenzurate una in 2D si cealalalta, evident, 3D la un pret de 39,9 de dolari respectiv 49,9 de dolari. Fiecare din ele ca include un DVD si o Copie Digitala a filmului.

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Comentariul regizorului si producatorului
  • Scene sterse
  • Videoclipuri muzicale
  • 52 Moduri de a Muri: renumarerea capcanelor din toate filmele Saw (exclusiv pe DB)


Lionsgate Home Entertainment has announced the Blu-ray release, on January 25, 2011, of the latest (and officially last) installment of the Saw series, initially titled Saw VII, renamed as Saw 3D when it opened in theaters in late October and now coming out as Saw: The Final Chapter (no pun intended) for home video. It will be available in two unrated BD releases –– one in 2D and the other in 3D –– priced at $39.99 and $49.99, respectively. Each will also include a DVD and Digital Copy of the movie.

Special features include:

  • Director and producer commentary
  • Deleted scenes
  • Music videos
  • 52 Ways to Die: recounting the traps from all the Saw films (BD-exclusive)



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