Life As We Know It – Blu-ray

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Warner Home Video au anuntat filmul Life as We Know It pentru Blu-ray din 8 februarie 2011 intr-un pachet DB/DVD/Copie Digitala.

In aceasta comedie romantica Katherine Heigl si Josh Duhamel se descopera in postura de “protectori” ai fetitei unor prieteni buni ce au murit intr-un accident de masina. Lansarea in cinematografe a avut loc in luna octombrie iar filmul a avut incasari de 52 milioane de dolari.

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Ghid de Supravietuire pentru Parinti Nepregatiti: membrii castingului ne ofera momente amuzante in rolul de parinti (exclusiv pe DB)
  • Kathering Heigl: Devenind Cea Mai Buna Mama Dintotdeauna: momente amuzante, incantatoare si care o pun la incercare pe Katherine in calea sa de a deveni o mama buna (exclusiv pe DB)
  • Josh Duhamel: Triplu-Imblanzitor: Josh devine sentimental si se schimba pentru a capata admiratia celor trei “micute” doamne din rolul principal (exclusiv pe DB)
  • Scene Aditionale


Warner Home Video has announced Life as We Know It for Blu-ray release on February 8, 2011, in a BD/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack. In this romantic comedy, Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel find themselves the guardians of the daughter of their best friends who have died in a car accident. It opened theatrically in October, and despite poor reviews it earned a respectable $52 million at the box office.

Special features include:

  • A Survival Guide to Instant Parenting: cast members offer outrageously funny child-rearing advice that would make the PTA cringe (BD-exclusive)
  • Kathering Heigl: Becoming the Best Mom Ever: see all the touching, funny and challenging moments Katherine faced in becoming an overnight mom (BD-exclusive)
  • Josh Duhamel: the Triplet Tamer: Josh gets sentimental and brims with charm as he wins the admiration of this three “little” leading ladies (BD-exclusive)
  • Additional scenes



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