Tangled – Blu-ray si Blu-ray 3D

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Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment au anuntat oficial animatia Tangled pentru Blu-ray incepand cu data de 29 martie.

Animatia va veni in formatul DB/DVD si DB/DB 3D/DVD/Copie Digitala.

Aceasta adaptare a povestii Rapunzel a avut incasari de 186 mililoane de dolari la box office si peste 400 milioane de doalri in toata lumea.

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Untangled: The Making of a Fairy Tale (exclusiv pe DB): cat de lung este parul lui Rapunzel? Cate felinare au fost folosite? De unde provine numele lui Pascal? Care a fost primul clip animat produs de Disney ce a folosit animatia computerizata? La aceste intrebari plus multe altele vor raspunde Mandy Moore si Zach Levi ce va vor duce in culise pentru a afla cat mai multe detalii.
  • Trei scene sterse cu introducerea co-regizorilor Byron Howard si Nathan Greno (exclusiv pe DB)
  • Melodii extinse cu introducerea co-regizorilor (exclusiv pe DB):
    • “When Will My Life Begin”
    • “Mother Knows Best
  • Doua noi introduceri din carti de povesti originale: doua variante alternative a inceputului animatiei descrisa de co-regizorii Nathan Greno si Byron Howard
  • Animatia cu numaru 50 – Un montaj video ce sarbatoreste Tangled ca fiind animatia cu numarul 50 al studiourilor Walt Disney.
  • 9 clipuri cu Tangled (exclusiv pe DB): o colectie cu secvente din Tangled.


Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has officially announced Tangled for Blu-ray release on March 29. It will be presented both in a BD/DVD and a BD/3D BD/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack, thus becoming the Mouse’s first animated title to debut day-and-date on Blu-ray 3D. This reimagining of the Rapunzel fairytale earned a healthy $186 million at the domestic box office, and over $400 million globally.

Special features include:

  • Untangled: The Making of a Fairy Tale (BD-exclusive): exactly how long is Rapunzel’s hair? How many lanterns were used? Where did Pascal’s name come from? Which Disney animated feature first utilized CG animation? These and more will be answered when Mandy Moore and Zach Levi take viewers on a kooky behind-the-scenes tour to learn how the filmmakers styled this film’s Golden Tresses.
  • Three deleted scenes with introductions by co-directors Byron Howard and Nathan Greno (BD-exclusive)
  • Extended songs with introductions by the co-directors (BD-exclusive):
    • “When Will My Life Begin”
    • “Mother Knows Best
  • Two original storybook openings: two alternate versions of the film’s opening sequence described by the co-directors Nathan Greno and Byron Howard
  • 50th Animated Feature Countdown – A video montage celebrating Tangled as the 50th film to join The Walt Disney Studios’ prestigious lineup of classic animated features.
  • Nine Tangled teasers (BD-exclusive): a collection of the most unique and quirky commercials made for the theatrical release of Tangled Some are spoofs based off of infomercials and/or breaking news, some are teasers and others are simply just funny filmstrips.



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