Lionsgate Home Entertainment au anuntat filmul The Next Three Days pentru Blu-ray din 8 martie, intr-o combinatie DB/DVD/Copie Digitala.
Acest film de actiune-thriller este un remake dupa un film frantuzesc din 2007 si este regizat de Paul Haggis iar actorii principali sunt Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks si Liam Neeson.
Bonusurile vor include:
- Cum s-a facut The Next Three Days
- Barbatii din The Next Three Days
- Adevaratele evadari pentru dragoste
- Momente cu actorii
- Scene sterse si extinse
- Intreg filmul Bump Key
Lionsgate Home Entertainment has announced The Next Three Days for Blu-ray release on March 8, on a BD/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack. This action thriller, a remake of a 2007 French film, is directed by Paul Haggis and stars Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks and Liam Neeson. Despite such a high-profile cast and director, it only grossed $21 million at the box office.
Special features include:
- Making The Next Three Days
- The Men of The Next Three Days
- True Escapes for Love
- Cast Moments
- Deleted and extended scenes
- Full-Length Bump Key Video