Daydream Nation – Trailer Online si Poster

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Anchor Bay au lansat trailerul oficial (prin Hulu) pentru filmul Daydream Nation de la regizorul Michael Goldbach.

In aceasta drama rolul principal il are Kat Dennings intr-o poveste despre liceul unde invata si elevii ciudati care o populeaza, printre care si Reece Thompson.

Tells the story of a city girl (Kat Dennings) who moves to a small town and becomes entangled in a love triangle with her high school teacher (Josh Lucas) and her stoner classmate Thurston (Reece Thompson).

Daydream Nation este debutul regizoral al canadianului Michael Goldbach, care a lansat pentru prima oara filmul Daydream Nation in 2010 la Toronto International Film Festival. Anchor Bay Films va distribui filmul in Statele Unite, in varianta limitata, incepand cu data de 6 mai.



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