Turn It Loose – Trailer Online

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Turn It Loose este un nou documentar despre cei mai buni dansatori de breakdance…


si este despre 6 baieti care se “rup in figuri” la o uzina veche din inima Africii de Sud. Regizorul spune despre acest documentar:

“I tried to make it really about what’s going on right now, make it as it is today around the world, and leave the preconceptions that people have about breakdancing out of the film.”

Turn It Loose este regizat de Alastair Siddons iar filmul are premiera la Edinburgh Film Festival si la festivalele de film din Istanbul si Dublin.

Turn It Loose cauta un distribuitor iar Alastair spera ca-l va lansa la sfarsitul acestui an.



Turn It Loose is a new documentary about the world’s greatest breakdancing b-boys. It follows six international b-boys as they compete at an old power station in the heart of South Africa. As the director explains:

“I tried to make it really about what’s going on right now, make it as it is today around the world, and leave the preconceptions that people have about breakdancing out of the film.”

Turn It Loose is directed by first-time filmmaker Alastair Siddons and the film is premiering at the Edinburgh Film Festival and also played at the Istanbul and Dublin Film Festivals. Turn It Loose is currently looking for a film distributor in the US. Alastair hopes it will be in theaters by the end of this year.



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