Legion – Trailer, Trailer Online Necenzurat si Poster

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Varianta poloneza a primului trailer necenzurat, care a fost prezentat la festivalul Comic-Con, a aprut si pe net (prin MySpace).

Filmul se numeste Legion si pe langa Paul Bettany mai joaca si Dennis Quaid, Kevin Durand, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki si Doug Jones (in rolul cripticului Ice Cream Man de la inceput).

Povestea filmului este : “Dupa ce o apocalipsa biblica teribila se abate asupra lumii, un grup de straini dintr-un restaurant din Southwest se trezesc ca sunt ultima linie defensiva a umanitatii atunci cand descopera ca tanara servitoare de la restaurant este gravida cu mesia.”IMDb

Legion e regizat de Scott Stewart, care s-a ocupat si de efectele vizuale pentru filmele Sin City, Pirates of the Caribbean, si Iron Man. Scenariul este scris de Stewart si Peter Schink (scurt-metrajul Gotham Cafe).

Sony Pictures vor sa lanseze Legion in cinematografe din data de 22 ianuarie 2010.



Polished version of the first red band trailer they showed during Comic-Con has officially debuted online today (via MySpace).

The movie is called Legion and it also stars Dennis Quaid, Kevin Durand, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, and Doug Jones (as the creepy Ice Cream Man from the beginning).

“After a terrifying biblical apocalypse descends upon the world, a group of strangers stranded in a remote truck stop diner in the Southwest unwittingly become humanity’s last line of defense when they discover the diner’s young waitress is pregnant with the messiah.”IMDb

Legion is directed by first-time feature filmmaker Scott Stewart, a former visual effects artist who worked on films like Sin City, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Iron Man. The screenplay was co-written by Stewart and former editor Peter Schink with the short film Gotham Cafe being his only past writing credit. Sony Pictures will be bringing Legion to theaters everywhere starting on January 22nd, 2010 early next year.




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