Fifty Dead Men Walking – Trailer Online

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TVA Films (un distribuitor canadian) au lansat trailerul pentru filmul Fifty Dead Men Walking, al lui Kari Skogland, film in care joaca Jim Sturgess, Ben Kingsley si Rose McGowan.


Povestea filmului este urmatoarea : In anii 1980 cand conflictul civil englez era foarte periculos, Martin McGarland (Jim Sturgess), in varsta de 22 de ani, din Belfast, e recrutat de politia britanica pentru a-l infiltra ca spion in IRA (Irish Republican Army).

Fifty Dead Men Walking este scris si regizat de canadianul Kari Skogland (Men with Guns, Liberty Stands Still, Chicks with Sticks si The Stone Angel).

Filmul este bazat pe povestea adevarata a lui Martin McGartland, in cartea cu acelasi nume, scrisa de Nicholas Davies si McGartland.

Filmul a avut premiera la Toronto International Film Festival, anul trecut, dar inca nu are un distribuitor.



The trailer for Fifty Dead Men Walking from Canadian filmmaker Kari Skogland has been released by TVA Films (its Canadian distributor) and in it stars Jim Sturgess, Ben Kingsley, and Rose McGowan.

In the 1980s when the Irish civil conflict was at its most dangerous, 22-year-old Martin McGartland (Jim Sturgess) from west Belfast was recruited by the British police to infiltrate and spy on the IRA.

Fifty Dead Men Walking is both written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Kari Skogland, of Men with Guns, Liberty Stands Still, Chicks with Sticks, and The Stone Angel previously. This is based on Martin McGartland’s shocking real life story as told in the book by the same name written by Nicholas Davies and McGartland. The film first premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last year but still hasn’t been picked up be any US distributors.



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