Sony Pictures Home Entertainment au anuntat filmul The Roommate pentru Blu-rayincepand cu data de 17 mai .
In acest thriller Minka Kelly joaca rolul unei eleve nou venita la un colegiu unde va avea o colega de camera (Leighton Meester). Cele doua vor deveni cele mai bune prietene pana cand aceasta din urma incepe sa aiba un comportament violent. Filmul a avut incasari la box-office de 37 millioane $.
Bonusurile vor include:
- Comentariul Regizorului
- movieIQ
- Inceput de film Alternativ
- Obsesia: Cum s-a facut filmul The Roommate
- The Roommate: Noua Generatie de Stele de cinema
- Comportament Periculos
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced The Roommate for Blu-ray release on May 17. This thriller stars Minka Kelly as a college freshman whose rommate (Leighton Meester), initially Sara’s new best friend, turns out to be obsessive, unbalanced…and maybe even a killer. It earned $37 million at the box office.
Special features include:
- Director’s commentary
- movieIQ
- Alternate Opening Sequence
- Obsession: The Making of The Roommate
- The Roommate: Next Generation of Stars
- Dressing Dangerously