Din ce spune Timesonline Pegg a avut o discutie cu Steven Spielberg, si a spus ca Spielberg ia zis…
Poate vreti sa jucati in rolul gemenilor Thompson. In Tintin.According to the Timesonline Pegg has been hanging out with Steven Spielberg, and says Spielberg told him, “Hey, maybe you and Nick Frost could play the Thompson Twins,” in Tintin.
“Hey, maybe you and Nick Frost could play the Thompson Twins,” in Tintin.
Gemenii Thompson sunt o pereche de detectivi haiosi in universulTintin. In comicsuri, gemenii au mustati caraghioase si port niste palarii ridicole. Pegg si Frost vor trebui sa le poarte daca se alatura castingului.
Thompson twins are a pair of bumbling detectives in the Tintin universe. In the comics, the twins have broom mustaches and ridiculous bowler hats. Pegg and Frost should be able to pull that off.