Antichrist – Trailer, Postere si Poze

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Filmul lui Lars von Trier pe nume Antichrist ii are in rolurile principale pe Willem Dafoe si Charlotte Gainsbourg. Zentropa Entertainment pun la vedere niste poze din film iar de pe Vimeo putem vedea si trailerul.

Povestea filmului este cam asa : Un cuplu cu probleme (Dafoe si Gainsbourg) se retrage la cabina lor Eden din padure, cu speranta sa rezolve disputele ce ameninta relatia lor, dar natura intervine si transforma lucrurile din ce in ce mai rau.

Antichrist este scris si regizat de catre Lars von Trier (Nocturne, The Element of Crime, Dancer in the Dark, Dogville, Manderlay si recent The Boss of It All).

Din cate se cunoaste, filmul nu are inca un distribuitor pentru Statele Unite, si este asteptat sa fie prezent la Festivalul de Film de la Cannes, in aceasta vara,  inainte de a apare in cinematografele din Europa din mai pana in iunie.






A grieving couple (Dafoe and Gainsbourg) retreats to their cabin ‘Eden’ in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage. But nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse.

Antichrist is both written and directed by prolific Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier, of an extensive number of past films, including Nocturne, The Element of Crime, Dancer in the Dark, Dogville, Manderlay, and The Boss of It All most recently. As far as I know, the film doesn’t have a US distributor just yet. It is expected to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival this summer before hitting theaters in Europe throughout May and June.



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