Noul proiect al lui Clint Eastwood este un film despre Nelson Mandela in care va juca Morgan Freeman si Matt Damon. Kristopher Tapley de la In Contention este primul care ne spune ca filmul se va numi Invictus, ce inseamna Invincibil in latina.
Filmul urmareste tentativa lui Mandela de a folosi Rugby World Cup din 1995 pentru a-si imbuna natiunea, dupa iesirea sa din puscarie, pentru a-si putea aplica candidatura la functia de presedinte a Africii de Sud.
Invictus este un poem scurt scris de William Earnest Henley in 1875, si dupa cum spune Tapley
“was a great source of inspiration for the freedom fighter”
pentru ca vorbeste despre supravietuirea in fata adversitatii. Puteti citi intreg poemul la sfarsitul aticolului de pe In Contention.
Warner Brothers vor sa lanseze Invictus in cinematografe din 11 decembrie.
Invictus era cunoscut ca The Human Factor si este o adaptare a cartii lui John Carlin “Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation”.
The new project of Clint Eastwood is Nelson Mandela film starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. In Contention’s Kristopher Tapley was the first to report that the film had officially been titled Invictus, meaning Invincible in Latin. The film follows Mandela’s attempt to use the 1995 Rugby World Cup to heal his nation following his release from prison, the fall of apartheid and his election as president of South Africa. And that title refers to a poem often recited by Mandela.
Invictus is a short poem by William Earnest Henley from 1875 and, as Tapley says, “was a great source of inspiration for the freedom fighter” because it speaks to the will to survive in the face of adversity. You can find the full poem at the bottom of the article on In Contention. Warner Brothers has set a December 11th release for Invictus
Invictus was previously known as The Human Factor and is an adaptation of John Carlin’s book titled “Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation”.
Until we have more, head over to In Contention for the full story on the new title.