Kick-Ass – Blu-ray

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Lionsgate Home Entertainment au fixat data de 3 august, ca data de lansare pentru varianta Blu-ray a filmului Kick-Ass, filmul de actiune despre supereroi,  bazat pe o banda desenata scrisa de Mark Millar si John S. Romita Jr.


Acest pachet Blu-ray/DVD/Copie Digitala va contine, in exclusivitate, un documentar despre cum s-a facut filmul si un clip ce va contine modul “Ass-Kicking BonusView”.

Inca un material exclusiv Blu-ray va fi “Metamenu Remote” de catre BD Touch, ce va permite posesorilor de iPhone OS si Android sa personalizeze experianta lor cu ajutorul unei aplicatii gratuite “state-of-the-art”. Odata conectati la BD-Live, utilizatorii pot selecta meniuri utilizand gesturi intuitive, pot gasi scene cu ajutorul dialogului, pot descoperi detalii despre actori si multe altele. Cu castile pot selecta sa asculte in alte limbi alternative sau pot folosi continut sincronizat incluzand Ass-Kicking Bonus View (la care utilizatorii au acces de pe unitatile mobile).

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Ass-Kicking BonusView Mode: sincronizat pe film, aceasta prezentare multimedia incorporeaza atat comentarii audio cat si video, scene din culise si ilustratii grafice cu, co-scenaristul/producatorul/regizorul Matthew Vaughn, plus acces total al actorilor si echipei de filmare asupra Kick-Ass (exclusiv pe discul blu)
  • Comentariu audio cu scenaristul-regizor Matthew Vaughn
  • Documentar: Un Nou Gen De Supererou: Cum S-a Facut Kick-Ass (exclusiv pe discul blu)
  • Video: It’s On! Originea Benzii Desenate Kick-Ass
  • Galerie: Arta Kick-Ass
  • Arhiva de Marketing
  • BD Touch si Metamenu Remote
  • Lionsgate Live™ activ, ce contine continut aditional pentru utilizatorii conectati la internet
  • Imbunatatit: D-Box™ Motion Control Systems


Lionsgate Home Entertainment has set an August 3 release date for the Blu-ray edition of Kick-Ass, the action movie about do-it-yourself superheroes based on the comic written by Mark Millar and John S. Romita Jr. This Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy pack will exclusively feature a making-of documentary, and a feature-length Ass-Kicking BonusView mode.

In addition, the Metamenu Remote powered by BD Touch, another Blu-ray exclusive, will allow for iPhone OS and Android users to personalize their experience with this state-of-the-art free app. Once connected through BD-Live, viewers can select menus using intuitive gestures, find scenes by dialogue, discover details about the actors, and more. With headphones, they can select to listen in alternate language tracks, or enjoy other synchronized content including portions of the Ass-Kicking Bonus View (which users can take “to go” on their mobile device).

Special features include:

  • Ass-Kicking BonusView Mode: synchronous with the feature film, this multi-media presentation incorporates video and audio commentary, behind-the-scenes clips and illustrative graphics with co-writer/producer/director Matthew Vaughn, plus cast and crew providing an all-access perspective on Kick-Ass (BD-exclusive)
  • Audio commentary with writer-director Matthew Vaughn
  • Documentary: A New Kind of Superhero: The Making of Kick-Ass (BD-exclusive)
  • Featurette: It’s On! The Comic Book Origin of Kick-Ass
  • Gallery: The Art of Kick-Ass
  • Marketing archive
  • BD Touch and Metamenu Remote
  • Lionsgate Live™ enabled, featuring extra content for Internet-connected players
  • Enhanced for D-Box™ Motion Control Systems



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