Despicable Me – Bluray 3D

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Universal Studios Home Entertainment au anuntat animatia Despicable Me pe Blu-ray incepand cu data de 14 decembrie, in variantele Blu-ray si 3D Blu-ray care vin cu DVD si Copie Digitala incluse.

In aceasta animatie de comedie-actiune este vorba despre un super erou negativ in devenire a carei viata este complet schimbata de trei fetite orfane. Filmul a adus pana acum 240 de milioane de dolari, la incasari.

Bonusurile vor include:

  • Comentarii cu regizorii Chris Renaud si Pierre Coffin, impreuna cu Minionii!
  • GRU-CONTROL: Intr-o fereastra picture-in-picture putem vedea cum s-au facut filmarile si interviuri cu actorii si producatorii (exclusib pe Discul Blu)
  • Lumea din Despicable Me
  • Despicable Beats: regizorul Chris Renaud discuta despre cum a fost sa lucreze la muzica din film impreuna cu producatorul muzical Pharrell Williams.
  • Gru’s Rocket Builder: Intr-un joc complet nou, Vector a furat multe obiecte de valoare din toata lumea si le-a inlocuit cu bucati din racheta lui Gru. Voi trebuie sa le gasiti si sa le aranjati in ordinea corecta pana nu reuseste Vector sa intre in sistem sa fure planurile rachetei. Premiul pentru reusita voastra, in acest joc, este lansarea rachetei pe luna!
  • A Global Effort: despre efortul colectiv din spatele Despicable Me. Un regizor din Franta, altul din SUA, plus actori din America si Anglia au creeat filmul in Franta impreuna cu multi alti artisti din toata lumea.
  • Trei mini-filmulete, complet noi, in care rolul principal il au simpaticii Minioni:
    • “Home Makeover”
    • “Orientation Day”
    • “Banana”
  • The Voices of Despicable Me: in culise cu Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove, Kristen Wiig si Julie Andrews si cum dau acestia viata personajelor incluzand profilul fiecarui actor in parte.
  • Super Silly Fun Land: impreuna cu Agnes, Margo si Edith la Super Silly Fun Land Theme Park joaca Feed the Creatures si Freeze the Floating Minions pentru a castiga premii.
  • Miss Hattie’s Top Secret Cookie Recipes: Margo este incantata sa ne prezinte ingredientele fursecurilor sale minunate.(exclusiv pe DB)
  • pocket BLU
    • Minion Me: In exclusivitate pe iPhone® si iPad®: Personalizeaza fotografii ale prietenilor si familiei transformandu-i in… Minioni. Continutului fotografiilor li se pot adauga ochelari, palarii, freze, pentru a le face cat mai amuzante! Trimite pozele prietenilor impreuna cu rasul Minionilor.
    • Minion Dominion App: Exclusib pe iPhone® si iPad® Controleaza un Minion intorcandu-l, agitandu-l, ivartindu-l pe telefon. Atinge ecranul pentru a-l face sa vorbeasca si sa rada, sau joaca jocul cu sticla. Descarca-l pe iPhone si vezi care poate sa-l faca sa sufere cel mai mult, pe Minion.
    • Advanced Remote Control
    • Video Timeline
    • Mobile-to-go
    • Keyboard
  • BD-Live
  • My Scenes


Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced Despicable Me for Blu-ray release on December 14, in Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray Combo Packs, with DVD and digital copy included. This action/comedy animated movie, about a wannabe super-villain whose life is unexpectedly changed by a trio of determined little orphans, was a critical and commercial success, earning over $240 million at the box office.

Special features include:

  • Commentary with directors Chris Renaud and Pierre Coffin, featuring the Minions!
  • GRU-CONTROL: Through a picture-in-picture window, see the making of the film with behind-the-scenes footage and cast/filmmaker interviews (BD-exclusive)
  • The World of Despicable Me
  • Despicable Beats: director Chris Renaud talks about the cool factor of renowned music producer Pharrell Williams.
  • Gru’s Rocket Builder: In an all-new game, Vector has stolen some of the most famous landmarks from around the world and replaced them with the pieces to Gru’s rocket. Players must return all the stolen landmarks to the correct countries in order to build their own rockets before Vector hacks into the system and steals the rocket plans. The reward for completing the rocket is a launch to the moon!
  • A Global Effort: learn all about the global effort behind Despicable Me. A director from France and another from the USA, plus an American and English cast created a movie in France, with artists from all over the world for a truly international movie.
  • Three all new, mini-movies starring the Minions (for a limited time only):
    • “Home Makeover”
    • “Orientation Day”
    • “Banana”
  • The Voices of Despicable Me:go behind-the-scenes with Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove, Kristen Wiig and Julie Andrews as they give life to their animated characters. Includes character profiles for each of the cast members.
  • Super Silly Fun Land: join Agnes, Margo and Edith at the Super Silly Fun Land Theme Park and play Feed the Creatures and Freeze the Floating Minions to win super cool prizes.
  • Miss Hattie’s Top Secret Cookie Recipes: Margo is proud to present the recipes for those wonderful cookies that the loveable orphans under Miss Hattie’s care enjoy so much! (BD-exclusive)
  • pocket BLU
    • Minion Me: Exclusively for iPhone® and iPad®: Personalize photos of friends and family by turning them into Minions. Pictures can be customized with glasses, bowties, hats and hairstyles to make it really hilarious! Send it to your friends with a Minion laugh.
    • Minion Dominion App: Exclusively for iPhone® and iPad® Control a Minion by turning, tilting, rotating and shaking your phone. Tap the screen to make him speak, tap it again to hear him laugh. Or do battle with the two-player “minion mash up.” Download to your iPhone and see who can inflict the most damage on the other’s minion.
    • Advanced Remote Control
    • Video Timeline
    • Mobile-to-go
    • Keyboard
  • BD-Live
  • My Scenes



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