The Way Back – Trailer, Poster si Detalii

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Peter Weir revine cu un film numit The Way Back! Un trailer oficial a aparut astazi (multumita lui The Guardian), pe YouTube.

The Way Back este un film despre supravietuire in care au roluri Colin Farrell, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Mark Strong, Saoirse Ronan, Dragos Bucur si Alexandru Potocean.

Bazat pe un fapt real, filmul este despre un grup de prizonieri care scapa dintr-o temnita sovietica (Gulag), in 1940, si traverseaza peste  6400 de kilometri pe unul din cele mai periculoase terenuri din lume.

The Way Back este scris si regizat de nominalizatul la Oscar, australianul Peter Weir (Black Rain, Gallipoli, The Year of Living Dangerously, Witness, Dead Poets Society, Green Card, Fearless, The Truman Show and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World) si este bazat pe biografia lui Slavomir Rawicz, The Long Walk: The True Story of a Walk to Freedom.

Premiera mondiala a avut loc luna trecuta la Telluride Film Festival si filmul a fost programat de Newmarket Films pentru a fi lansat in cinematografe din aceasta iarna.

The Way Back va fi lansat in un numar limitat de cinematografe, tarziu in dembrie iar o lansare mondiala e pregatita incepand cu 21 ianuarie 2011.



Peter Weir`s back with a film titled The Way Back! An early low res official trailer for the film has debuted today (thanks to The Guardian) and can be seen below. The Way Back is an epic survival movie starring Colin Farrell, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Mark Strong and Saoirse Ronan. Inspired by a true story, it tells the tale of a group of prisoners who escaped the Soviet Gulag in 1940 and traveled over 4000 miles across some of the most dangerous terrain in the world.

The Way Back is both written and directed by veteran Oscar nominated Australian filmmaker Peter Weir, of Black Rain, Gallipoli, The Year of Living Dangerously, Witness, Dead Poets Society, Green Card, Fearless, The Truman Show and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. It’s based on Slavomir Rawicz’s memoir The Long Walk: The True Story of a Walk to Freedom. Its world premiere was at the Telluride Film Festival last month and it was picked up by Newmarket Films for release this winter. The Way Back arrives in limited theaters starting late December, with an expansion starting on January 21st, 2011.



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