Hideo Nakata face “Chatroom”Hideo Nakata`s Chatroom

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Variety announces that famed and celebrated Japanese director, Hideo Nakata, will helm the American produced film, Chatroom.Variety anunta ca faimosul regizor japonez, Hideo Nakata, se va ocupa de un film american,”Chatroom”.

Nakata’s first directing movie was Ringu.

Nakata, now, directing Chatroom and the third installment of the American Ring franchise.

Chatroom, follows a few semi-wayward teens as they push one another to the brink of bad behavior.


Primul film regizat de Nakata a fost “Ringu”.

Nakata  are acum in lucru “Chatroom” si a treia continuare a francizei americane “The Ring”.

Chatroom are ca subiect – cativa tineri rebeli ajung sa se tachineze intre ei, acest lucru ajungand sa-i duca la obiceiuri foarte rele.


[spoiler]Variety announces that famed and celebrated Japanese director, Hideo Nakata, will helm the American produced film, Chatroom.

Nakata’s first directing movie was Ringu.

Nakata, now, directing Chatroom and the third installment of the American Ring franchise.

Chatroom, follows a few semi-wayward teens as they push one another to the brink of bad behavior.[/spoiler]


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