Variety spune ca se va produce un film biografic in trei parti, despre Bruce Lee, in cooperare cu familia sa. Saptamana aceasta se implinesc 36 de ani de cand Bruce Lee a decedat.
Familia lui lucreaza alaturi de o companie chinezeasca, J.A. Media la “Bruce Lee”, care va fi lansat in luna octombrie iar Tony Leung Ka-fai il va interpreta pe tatal lui Lee. Inca nu se stiu detalii despre actori sau regizorul peliculei.
Producatorul Zhang Yimou a declarat ca demult isi doreste sa faca un film despre viata lui Lee.
Prima parte e programata sa apara din 27 septembrie 2010, odata cu aniversarea a 70 de ani de la nasterea lui Lee.
Variety says that a three-part biopic about martial arts king Bruce Lee is being made in cooperation with the family of Hong Kong’s most famous native son, who died 36 years ago this week.
The family is working with China’s J.A. Media on Bruce Lee, which will start shooting in October with Tony Leung Ka-fai as Lee’s father. Additional cast and director have not yet been set.
However, filmmaker Zhang Yimou has said many times that he is keen to shoot a film of Lee’s life.
The first part is scheduled for release on Nov. 27, 2010, the 70th anniversary of Lee’s birth.