Universal Studios Home Entertainment au anuntat oficial filmul Devil pentru Blu-ray inceand cu 21 decembrie.
Acest thriller claustrofobic despre cinci oameni blocati intr-un lift iar unul din acestia este un demon, este bazat pe o poveste de M. Night Shyamalan. O copie digitala a filmului va fi inclusa in pachet.
Bonusurile vor include:
- The Story
- The Devil’s Meeting
- The Night Chronicles
- My Scenes
- pocket BLU
Universal Studios Home Entertainment has officially announced Devil for Blu-ray release on December 21. This claustrophobic supernatural thriller, about five people trapped in an elevator who discover that the Devil may be among them, is based on a story by M. Night Shyamalan. A digital copy of the movie will be included.
Special features include:
- The Story
- The Devil’s Meeting
- The Night Chronicles
- My Scenes
- pocket BLU