Punisher: War Zone a primit un rating “R” Punisher: War Zone Rated “R”

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Punisher: War Zone will not be PG-13 as previously rumored, but will in fact be rated-R.Punisher: War Zone nu va primi un rating de PG-13 dupã cum s-a zvonit, ci va primi un rating de R.

The news of its R-rating comes from the film’s cinematographer Steve Gainer, who was recently discovered posting on a message board by the guys from Screen Rant. Steve dropped the following knowledge on everyone:

“Lexi is not off the film. Lexi is still involved in the edit process. The film is not (nor could it ever be) PG-13. Today I saw a cut that ran 91 minutes.”
Stirea a fost lansatã de însusi operatorul de imagine Steve Gainer, care a fost recent descoperit postand un mesaj pe un forum. Steve a transmis tuturor urmãtorul mesaj:

“Lexi nu s-a îndepãrtat de film, e încã implicat în procesul de editare. Filmul nu e (si nici nu va putea fi vreodatã) unul cu un rating de PG-13. Astãzi am vizionat o versiune de 91 de minute.”


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