George Lucas face “Red Tails”Luca`s Red Tails

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George Lucas has found a director for his long talked about fighter pilot movie. George Lucas a gasit un regizor sa se ocupe de mult comentatul lui film cu piloti de avioane de razboi.

Red Tails is the story of the Tuskegee Airmen overcoming racism in World War II to become the first black fighter pilots in American history. At one point Lucas was actually rumored to be considering Samuel L. Jackson to direct it. Instead Variety says he’s hired Anthony Hemingway.

Hemingway’s directorial career has been spent entirely on television, behind episodes of shows like CSI, ER, and Battlestar Galactica. He only did one episode of BSG.


“Red Tails” e povestea unui “Tuskegee Airmen” care intervine in calea rasismului in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial si devine primul pilot de culoare din istoria Americi. La un anumit moment dat, Lucas a spus ca l-ar vrea pe Samuel L. Jackson ca regizor. Dar Variety afirma ca pana la urma la luat pe Anthony Hemingway.

Cariera lui Hemingway a fost, pana acum, numai in domeniul serialelor de TV, cum ar fi CSI, ER, si Battlestar Galactica. De fapt, el a facut doar un singur episod din BSG.



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