The Mechanic – Trailer Online

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SlashFilm au gasit, pe YouTube,  primul promo trailer neoficial la filmul The Mechanic in care rolurile principale le detin  Jason Statham si Ben Foster iar productia apartine Nu Image / Millennium Films.


Filmul este descris cam asa :  Un film de actiune-thriller bazat pe un assasin (Jason Statham) si un tanar care devine ucenicul acestuia.

The Mechanic e regizat de britanicul Simon West (Con Air, The General’s Daughter, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider si When a Stranger Calls) iar scenariul a fost scris de Karl Gajdusek care a mai scris si pentru serialul TV  “Dead Like Me”. Acest film este un remake dupa filmul The Mechanic din  1972, film in care rolul principal ia apartinut lui Charles Bronson si a fost regizat de Michael Winner. Din ce stim, remakeul The Mechanic inca nu are distribuitori.

Iata si trailerul :



SlashFilm found the first (unofficial) promo trailer, on YouTube, for The Mechanic  and  it was produced by Nu Image / Millennium Films with Ben Foster and Jason Statham in main roles.

The plot is : An action-thriller centered on an assassin (Jason Statham) and a young man who becomes an apprentice.

The Mechanic is directed by British filmmaker Simon West, of memorable blockbusters like Con Air, The General’s Daughter, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, and When a Stranger Calls.



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