Variety spune ca John McTiernan a semnat sa regizeze un film de actiune-thriller numit Shrapnel.
Shrapnel este povestea a doi veterani de razboi care se vaneaza intre ei intr-un joc de-a soarecele si pisica, iar scenaristul va fi Evan Daugerty.
Producatorul Anthony Rhulen (CEO-ul FilmEngine) a declarat:
“From the first time we read Evan’s script, we believed we had the makings of a hit action film. With John McTiernan involved, the financing fell into place, and we expect to announce casting very soon.”
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Variety reports that McTiernan has signed on to direct yet another action thriller with Shrapnel, the story of two war veterans who hunt each other in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Sounds simple enough, and the good news is the Evan Daugerty written script.
Producer Anthony Rhulen (CEO of the FilmEngine banner) stated:
“From the first time we read Evan’s script, we believed we had the makings of a hit action film. With John McTiernan involved, the financing fell into place, and we expect to announce casting very soon.”