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THR reports Dirk Blackman and Howard McCain are the latest scribes to take a stab at the screenplay based on Robert E. Howard’s original pulp stories from the 1930s as opposed to the bloodier pic resulting from an Oliver Stone script in 1982 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The goal, of course, is to turn it into a franchise and it sounds like Lionsgate is looking at the possibility very seriously and don’t want to screw up the first attempt. The story may not be much at this point, but with all the writers that have attempted to bring this story to the bigscreen shows just how serious Lionsgate seems to be about getting it right.

“Fans expect (these types of movies) to be more true to the source material,” CEO and president of Paradox Entertainment Fredrik Malmberg said. “There’s no reason there couldn’t be a Conan movie every two years. He’s almost like Batman: He’s a dark hero. He’s a hard hero. He has to be badass, but we also have to like him.”



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