Clip nou din “The Unborn”

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MySpace a postat un nou clip pentru thrillerul supernatural “The Unborn” al scenaristului/regizor David S. Goyercare va apare in cinematografe pe 9 ianuarie.

Productia The Rogue Pictures ii va avea in rolurile principale pe Odette Yustman (Cloverfield), Gary Oldman, Cam Gigandet, Meagan Good, Carla Gugino, Jane Alexander, Idris Elba, Rhys Coiro si James Remar.

In film, Casey Bell (Yustman) isi uraste mama pentru ca a parasit-o in copilarie. Dar atunci cand lucruri inexplicabile se intampla, Casey incepe sa inteleaga de ce a parasit-o. Afectata de cosmaruri si torturata de o fantoma ce o bantuieste  ea este nevoita sa apeleze la consilierul spiritual Sendak (Oldman), care ar putea sa rezolve problema.

Cu ajutorul lui Sendak, Casey descopera ca sursa problemelor este o familie blestemata din timpul Germaniei naziste—o creatura cu abilitatea de a poseda pe oricine sau orice , acest lucru crescandu-i puterile. Cu acest blestem in desfasurare, singura sansa a lui Casey de a-l opri este sa inchida usa deschisa de cineva nenascut, din lumea de dincolo.



MySpace has debuted this new clip from writer/director David S. Goyer’s supernatural thriller The Unborn, coming to theaters on January 9. The Rogue Pictures release stars Odette Yustman (Cloverfield), Gary Oldman, Cam Gigandet, Meagan Good, Carla Gugino, Jane Alexander, Idris Elba, Rhys Coiro and James Remar.

In the film, Casey Bell (Yustman) hated her mother for leaving her as a child. But when inexplicable things start to happen, Casey begins to understand why she left. Plagued by merciless dreams and a tortured ghost that haunts her waking hours, she must turn to the only spiritual advisor, Sendak (Oldman), who can make it stop.

With Sendak’s help, Casey uncovers the source of a family curse dating back to Nazi Germany—a creature with the ability to inhabit anyone or anything that is getting stronger with each possession. With the curse unleashed, her only chance at survival is to shut a doorway from beyond our world that has been pried open by someone who was never born.



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