Accidents Happen – Teaser Online

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Accidents Happen, este despre o familie din anii 1080 din New England. Fiul cel tanar, Billy, a fost martor la o serie de evenimente tragice, incluzand unul in care ii dezmembreaza toata familia. Sentimentul de vina, adevarul si descoperirea de sine sunt ingredientele pentru ca aceasta familie sa treaca cu bine de greutati. Geena Davis joaca in rolul mamei lui Billy.

Accidents Happen este regizat de Andrew Lancaster, un australian care la ajutat pe Alex Proyas la filmul Garage Days si a regizat mai multe scurt-metraje.

Scenariul este scris de Brian Carbee, care a scris si cateva scurt-metraje pentru Lancaster.

Acest film a avut premiera la Tribeca Film Festival, in acest an, dar si la Sydney Film Festival. Din cate cunoastem, inca nu exista un distribuitor.



Accidents Happen, about a dysfunctional family in 1980’s New England. Their youngest son Billy has been a witness to a series of tragic accidents, including one that fractured his whole family. The ensuing collision of guilt, truth and self discovery may be just what his family needs to move on. Geena Davis stars as the mom in this.

Accidents Happen is directed by Andrew Lancaster, an up-and-coming Australian filmmaker who previously worked on Alex Proyas’ Garage Days and directed a few shorts as well. The screenplay was written by newcomer Brian Carbee, who also wrote on of Lancaster’s shorts. This film first premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival this year and is also playing at the Sydney Film Festival. As far as we know, this doesn’t have a distributor yet.



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