Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman with Six Fingers – Johhny Depp si Emir Kusturica

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Regizorul sarb Emir Kusturica este in negoicieri avansate cu Johnny Depp pentru a interpeta rolul revolutionarului mexican Pancho Villa in urmatorul sau film intitulat Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman with Six Fingers, spune Variety.


Scenariul, scris de Kusturica si colaboratorul sau Gordan Mihic, e complet, dar filmarile nu sunt pregatite sa inceapa mai devreme de 2011, depinzand si de hotararea lui Depp.

Salma Hayek este si ea in negocieri sa apara in aceasta pelicula, bazata pe nuvela biografica a lui James Carlos Blake, “The Friends of Pancho Villa.”

Biografia in limba spaniola va fi filmata in Mexic, unde Villa, un bandit din secolul 20, devine un luptator de gherila si un erou al saracilor. Depp va interpreta rolul in limba spaniola, a spus Kusturica.



Serbian director Emir Kusturica is in advanced negotiations for Johnny Depp to star as Mexican revolutionary hero Pancho Villa in his upcoming biopic titled Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman with Six Fingers, reports Variety.

The script, written with Kusturica’s regular collaborator Gordan Mihic, is complete, but filming is not set to start until 2011, due to Depp’s prior commitments.

Salma Hayek is also in advanced talks to co-star in the film, based on James Carlos Blake’s biographical novel “The Friends of Pancho Villa.”

The Spanish-language biopic is to be shot partly in Mexico, where Villa — an early 20th-century bandit who became a guerilla fighter and a hero to the poor — is an iconic historical figure. Depp will act in Spanish, Kusturica said.



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