Universal Studios Home Entertainment au anuntat filmul Charlie St. Cloud pentru Blu-ray incepand cu 9 noiembrie. In aceasta drama romatica, bazata pe o nuvela de succes scrisa de Ben Sherwood, rolul principal il interpreteaza Zac Efron ca fiind un tanar ce supravietuieste unui accident ce-i schimba perceptia asupra vietii.
Cumparatorii acestui Blu-ray vor avea acces la un film bonus (Lorenzo’s Oil sau What Dreams May Come), ce poate fi vazut direct prin BD-Live si pocket BLU.
Bonusurile vor include:
- Comentariu video cu regizorul Burr Steers
- Scene sterse
- Pe platou cu Zac Efron: intr-o calatorie in Vancouver impreuna cu Zac Efron ce interpreteaza primul sau rol intr-o drama. Utilizatorii acestui Blu-ray vor avea acces la modul de pregatire al lui Zac pentru acest gen de film.
- Zac Efron, Rol Principal: intr-o conversatie cu Burr Steers vom afla care este viziunea acestuia asupra filmuluiut si cum Zac completeaza aceasta viziune. Cei ce vor urmari aceste secvente vor vedea si discutiile dintre Burr si Zac despre rolul si interpretarea lui Zac in aceasta drama.
- Intre Doua Lumi: Intrebari cum ar fi: ce se intampla dupa ce mori vor cauta o lamurire discutand cu psihologi, ghicitori sau parapsihologi.
- Urmareste un film bonus direct pe TV prin BD-Live™ sau pe teledonul tau, iPod-ul, PC sau Mac prin pocket BLU™. Se poate alege intre cele doua filme: What Dreams May Come si Lorenzo’s Oil
- BD-Live
- SceneleMele
- pocket BLU
- Advanced Remote Control
- Video Timeline
- Mobile-To-Go
- Browse Titles
- Keyboard: Enter data into a Blu-ray player with your device’s easy and intuitive keyboard.
Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced Charlie St. Cloud for Blu-ray release on November 9. This romantic drama, based on a best-selling novel by Ben Sherwood starring Zac Efron as a young man who survives an accident that lets him see the world in a unique way. Buyers of the Blu-ray will be able to watch one bonus movie (Lorenzo’s Oil or What Dreams May Come), streamed instantly via BD-Live and pocket BLU.
Special features include:
- Feature commentary with director Burr Steers
- Deleted scenes
- On Location with Zac Efron: come along for a ride in Vancouver, with Zac Efron as he takes on his first major dramatic leading role in Charlie St. Cloud. Audiences will get some quality one-on-one time with the real Zac as he prepares for a role like no other that he has done before.
- Zac Efron, Leading Man: in this intimate conversation with Burr Steers we will find out what Burr’s vision for the film was and how Zac helped mold that vision. We will be privy to the conversations that Burr and Zac had about how Zac should assume the mantle of leading man and how that differed from what he had done before.
- The In-between World: ever since man became self-aware, he’s wondered what happens when you die. In this piece, we will talk to those who claim to have a connection with the great beyond. Speaking with Psychics, Mediums and Parapsychologists, we will offer explanations of what might be happening to Charlie and show how it might not be that out of the ordinary.
- Stream a bonus Movie instantly on your TV through BD-Live™ or on your Smartphone, iPod, PC or Mac through pocket BLU™. Choose between What Dreams May Come and Lorenzo’s Oil
- BD-Live
- My Scenes
- pocket BLU
- Advanced Remote Control
- Video Timeline
- Mobile-To-Go
- Browse Titles
- Keyboard: Enter data into a Blu-ray player with your device’s easy and intuitive keyboard.