Full online trailer for Revolutionary Road, from director Sam Mendez is here.Trailerul complet la “Revolutionary Road” de la regizorul Sam Mendez.
Based on the celebrated novel by Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road is the story of a young couple (Titanic stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet) trying to find fulfillment in an age of conformity. Trapped in a world of encoded convention, they dream without faith, as lies and self-deceptions build to explosive consequences.
The film opens in theaters on December 26, 2008.
You can watch the trailer, down below, or you can download it from our trailers gallery at high definition 1080p in QuickTime format from HERE.
Bazat pe o nuvela scrisa de Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road e povestea unui cuplu tanar (Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet care au facut pereche si in Titanic) care incearca sa gaseasca implinirea intr-o era a conformitatilor. Prinsi intr-o lume a conventiilor codate, ei viseaza fara credinta ca urmare a auto-deceptiei bazata pe consecinte explozive.
Filmul va fi lansat in cinematgrafe pe 26 decembrie 2008.
Trailerul il puteti vedea mai jos sau il puteti downloada in format HD 1080p de AICI.