X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Poze cu personajele si interviu

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USA Today au publicat poze noi cu personajele din filmul X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Jackman a mai spus si niste lucruri interesante despre Logan in acest articol.
Jackman a spus ca va fi mereu recunoscator francizei de succes (a castigat in jur de 1 miliard de dolari de pe urma acestei francize plus popularitatea) si nu a fost deacord cu evolutia caracterului Wolverine de-a lungul timpului.

“I’m not mad about it, but I thought he had gotten a bit soft,”

a spus Jackman.

“I thought we had gotten away from the essence of who Wolverine really is: a bad (dude) who wants to live his own life.”

Jackman a spus ca la tinerete si el indragea personajul Wolverine la fel ca toti fanii benzilor desenate.

“The character has always reminded me of Dirty Harry or Han Solo,”

adauga Jackman.

“He’s a good guy, not a nice guy. He’s got a lot of flaws, which I think is what people find so attractive about him and the X-Men. He’s struggling with who he is and what he wants. He was one of the comics’ first anti-heroes.”







USA Today has published six new photos of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine cast.

Jackman also had some interesting to say about Logan in the article. Here’s an excerpt:

Jackman says that while he has always been grateful for the franchise’s success — it has grossed more than $1.1 billion and cemented his leading-man status — he has disagreed with the development of Wolverine’s character over the years.

“I’m not mad about it, but I thought he had gotten a bit soft,”

Jackman says.

“I thought we had gotten away from the essence of who Wolverine really is: a bad (dude) who wants to live his own life.”

Jackman says he fell in love with the Wolverine character a decade ago for much the same reason fans embrace the comic books.

“The character has always reminded me of Dirty Harry or Han Solo,”

Jackman says.

“He’s a good guy, not a nice guy. He’s got a lot of flaws, which I think is what people find so attractive about him and the X-Men. He’s struggling with who he is and what he wants. He was one of the comics’ first anti-heroes.”



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