Megan Fox (Transformers) a semnat cu Warner Brothers pentru a juca in filmul Jonah Hex alaturi de Josh Brolin si John Malkovich intr-o adaptare a unei benzi desenate DC Comics.
Megan Fox a mai semnat de asemeni cu Fox pentru a apare intr-o adaptare a benzii desenate Fathom desenata de Michael Turner a publicatiei Aspen Comics.
In Jonah Hex, Fox va juca in rolul Leila, o frumoasa pistolara de care e indragostit Hex, un vanator de recompense desfigurat care urmareste un practicant de voodoo care incearca sa invie o armata de nemorti pentri a invada sudul. Jimmy Hayward va fi regizorul acestei adaptari, filmarile acestei pelicule urmand sa inceapa din aprilie iar filmul sa fie lansat din 6 august 2010.
In Fathom, Fox va avea rolul principal, si va juca in rolul lui Aspen, membra a unei rase de umanoizi acvatici care au abilitatea de a controla apa. Aceasta adaptare este scrisa de Jordan Mechner, creatorul jocului video Prince of Persia si scriitorul scenariului la filmul ce poarta numele acestui joc.
Megan Fox has signed to star in Jonah Hex alongside of Josh Brolin and John Malkovich in Warner Brothers’ adaptation of the DC Comics series.
Fox has also signed witch Megan Fox to star and develop a feature adaptation of Fathom, the comic book series from artist Michael Turner that was the inspiration for his publisher – Aspen Comics.
In Jonah Hex, Fox will play Leila, a gun-wielding beauty and love interest of Hex, a disfigured bounty hunter who is tracking down a voodoo practitioner that wants to raise an army of undead to liberate the South. Jimmy Hayward will direct that adaptation starting in April for a August 6th, 2010 release. In Fathom, Fox will play the lead character Aspen, who learns she is a member of a race of aquatic humanoids who possess the ability to control water. That adaptation is being written by Jordan Mechner, the creator of the Prince of Persia video game who just got a start writing screenplays with the Prince of Persia movie.