Cu Avatar deja pe locul al doilea in lume, din toate timpurile, la incasari, e de asteptat ca, compania de productie Fox si James Cameron sa lucreze la o continuare.
Dupa cum stim, lui Cameron, ii place sa pastreze secrete si a mentionat ca singura continuare a fost la filmul Terminator. Plus, mai sunt persoane care spun ca o continuare nu va avea loc (din anumite motive).
In orice caz, din ce aflam in acest interviu cu James Cameron (multumita AICN) insasi acesta spune:
“Yes, there’ll be another.”
Interviul e oarecum cam fad, dar ei spun ca, Cameron a precizat
si, bineinteles,
Cameron a mai spus
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With Avatar already the second highest grossing film off all-time, it’s completely expected that Fox and James Cameron would be working on an Avatar sequel. However, Cameron likes to keep secrets, and it’s been pointed out to me that he’s never directed a sequel to any of his movies besides Terminator. Plus, there’s some people who think that a sequel just won’t happen (for whatever reason). However, according to a report (via AICN) from a very recent Q&A with James Cameron, the man himself did indeed admit:
“Yes, there’ll be another.”