Pinocchio – Poze si detalii

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Regizorul Guillermo del Toro declara, in 2008, ca colaboreaza cu The Jim Henson Company & Pathe la o animatie cu papusi bazata pe povestea Pinocchio iar acum Deadline spune ca acest proiect va intra in productie.

Gris Grimly, cel care a facut cartea cu ilustratii bazata pe povestea Pinocchio, in 2002, va fi regizorul noului Pinocchio alaturi de Mark Gustafson iar mai jos putem vedea cateva imagini de productie. Acestea au ramas loiale ilustratiilor grotesti din cartea lui Grimly alaturi de stilul unic al lui del Toro.

“There has to be darkness in any fairy tale or children’s narrative work, something the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Walt Disney understood We tend to call something Disney-fied, but a lot of people forget how powerfully disturbing the best animated Disney movies are, including those kids being turned into donkeys in ‘Pinocchio.’ What we’re trying to do is present a Pinocchio that is more faithful to the take that Colodi wrote. That is more surreal and slightly darker than what we’ve seen before.

The Blue Fairy is really a dead girl’s spirit. Pinocchio has strange moments of lucid dreaming bordering on hallucinations, with black rabbits. The sperm whale that swallows Pinocchio was actually a giant dogfish, which allows for more classical scale and design. The many mishaps Pinocchio goes through include several near-death close calls, a lot more harrowing moments. The key with this is not making any of it feel gratuitous, because the story is integrated with moments of comedy and beauty. He’s one of the great characters, whose purity and innocence allows him to survive in this bleak landscape of robbers and thugs, emerging from the darkness with his soul intact.”

Cantaretul rock si compozitorul Nick Cave va fi consultantul in muzica iar McKinnon si Saunders (echipa din spatele proiectelor Fantastic Mr. Fox si Corpse Bride) vor lucra cu animatia papusilor si elementele 3D ale viitorului film. Del Toro a lucrat la scenariu, in urma cu patru ani, iar in 2008 l-a reluat si a mai adaugat elemente noi.



The brilliant director Guillermo del Toro revealed their collaboration on a stop-motion animated version of the story of Pinocchio with The Jim Henson Company & Pathe back in 2008, but now Deadline reports the project is finally moving into production. Gris Grimly, who illustrated the 2002 take on the story, is directing with Mark Gustafson, and now we have a first look at a couple pieces of production art. This is both loyal to the dark illustrations from Grimly’s book and to del Toro’s signature visual style.

“There has to be darkness in any fairy tale or children’s narrative work, something the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Walt Disney understood We tend to call something Disney-fied, but a lot of people forget how powerfully disturbing the best animated Disney movies are, including those kids being turned into donkeys in ‘Pinocchio.’ What we’re trying to do is present a Pinocchio that is more faithful to the take that Colodi wrote. That is more surreal and slightly darker than what we’ve seen before.

The Blue Fairy is really a dead girl’s spirit. Pinocchio has strange moments of lucid dreaming bordering on hallucinations, with black rabbits. The sperm whale that swallows Pinocchio was actually a giant dogfish, which allows for more classical scale and design. The many mishaps Pinocchio goes through include several near-death close calls, a lot more harrowing moments. The key with this is not making any of it feel gratuitous, because the story is integrated with moments of comedy and beauty. He’s one of the great characters, whose purity and innocence allows him to survive in this bleak landscape of robbers and thugs, emerging from the darkness with his soul intact.”

Rocker and composer Nick Cave has signed on as a music consultant, and McKinnon and Saunders (the team behind projects like Fantastic Mr. Fox and Corpse Bride) will be working on the stop-motion puppets and 3D elements of the film. Del Toro worked on the script about four years ago, but then came back in 2008 and spiced it up a bit.



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