Hugh Jackman va fi prezentatorul celei de-a 81 editie a Oscar Academy Awards

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Academia tocmai a specificat intr-un comunicat de presa ca Hugh Jackman va fi prezentatorul  editiei cu numarul 81 a festivitatii Oscar Academy Awards.


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Hugh Jackman va fi prezentatorul editiei cu numarul 81 al “Academy Awards®”, al carui producator este Laurence Mark iar producator executiv Bill Condon. Aceasta va fi prima oara cand Hugh Jackman prezinta festivitatea de decernare a premiilor Oscar.

“Hugh Jackman is a consummate entertainer and an internationally renowned movie star,”

spun Mark si Condon.

“He also has style, elegance and a sense of occasion. Hugh is the ideal choice to host a celebration of the year’s movies – and to have fun doing it.”

Ultimul film a lui Jackman este “Australia,” regizat de Baz Luhrmann. Apoi el va mai apare in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” in care va avea rolul principal in rolul Wolverine in care a mai aparut si in seriile “X-Men”. El a mai jucat si in filmele “The Prestige,” “Flushed Away,” “The Fountain,” “Happy Feet,” “Van Helsing,” “Kate & Leopold” si “Swordfish.”

De nationalitate austriaca, Jackman a castigat in anul 2004 “Tony Award” pentru cel mai bun actor intr-un muzical pentru prestatia sa in “The Boy from Oz.” El a prezentat si festivitatea “Tony Awards” si a castigat, in anul 2005, un premiu “Emmy” pentru aceasta prezentare.

Jackman a mai aparut in muzicaluri ca “Carousel,” “Oklahoma!” “Sunset Boulevard” si “Beauty and the Beast”.

Decernarea  editiei cu numarul 81 a festivitatii Oscar Academy Awards va avea loc duminca, 22 februarie 2009, la teatrul Kodak din centrul Hollywood & Highland, si va fi televizat in direct pe canalul de televiziune ABC Television Network. Premiile Oscar vor mai fi de asemeni televizate in direct in peste 200 de tari din tot globul.



The Academy has just sent out their press release announcing Hugh Jackman as the host of the 81st Academy Awards.

Below is their full announcement:

Hugh Jackman will host the 81st Academy Awards® telecast, producer Laurence Mark and executive producer Bill Condon announced today. This will be Jackman’s first time center stage at the Oscar show, although he has previously been a presenter.

“Hugh Jackman is a consummate entertainer and an internationally renowned movie star,” said Mark and Condon in a joint statement. “He also has style, elegance and a sense of occasion. Hugh is the ideal choice to host a celebration of the year’s movies – and to have fun doing it.”

Jackman stars in the current release “Australia,” directed by Baz Luhrmann. He will next be seen in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” having portrayed the title character in the previous three smash-hit “X-Men” movies. His other film credits include “The Prestige,” “Flushed Away,” “The Fountain,” “Happy Feet,” “Van Helsing,” “Kate & Leopold” and “Swordfish.”

A native of Australia, Jackman won the 2004 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical for his performance in “The Boy from Oz.” He has served as host of the Tony Awards ceremony and won a 2005 Emmy for that assignment.

Jackman’s other stage credits include “Carousel,” “Oklahoma!” “Sunset Boulevard” and “Beauty and the Beast”.

Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2008 will be presented on Sunday, February 22, 2009, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center, and televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.



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