You Again & Paul – Sigourney Weaver

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Sigourney Weaver (Avatar) va juca in You Again pentru Disney si este in negocieri pentru a apare in comedia lui Greg Mottola, Paul pentru Universal si Working Title.
Weaver va incepe filmarile, prima oara, pentru Paul, o comedie despre doi fani al genului sci-fi (Simon Pegg, Nick Frost) care urmaresc un extraterestru (vocea lui Seth Rogen) langa Area 51 si care vor sa-l ajute sa evadeze.

Apoi, Weaver se va ocupa de You Again alaturi de Kristen Bell, pentru regizorul Andy Fickman. Bell va juca roul unei tinere care se intoarce acasa pentru nunta fratelui sau si va afla ca se casatoreste cu dusmana s-a din vremea liceului. Weaver va juca in rolul matusei bogatase din partea miresei.


Sigourney Weaver (upcoming Avatar) has been set to star in You Again for Disney and is in talks to join the Greg Mottola-directed comedy Paul for Universal and Working Title.

Weaver will first shoot Paul, a comedy about two sci-fi fans (Simon Pegg, Nick Frost) who come across an escaped alien (voiced by Seth Rogen) near Area 51 and try to help it escape.

She will then star in You Again with Kristen Bell for director Andy Fickman. Bell will play a young woman who returns home for her brother’s wedding and is horrified to find he’s marrying her high school nemesis. Weaver will play the brid’’s filthy-rich aunt.


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