Dead Space – D.J. Caruso

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Dead Space este un joc video scifi-horror produs de EA care a fost lansat anul trecut. Variety au anuntat ca regizorul filmelor Disturbia si Eagle Eye, D.J. Caruso va adapta acest joc pentru marile ecrane.


EA va fi producatorul alaturi de partenerii sai de la Temple Hill,  Marty Bowen si Wyck Godfrey.

Caruso mai lucreaza si la filmele Jack the Giant Killer si The Defenders.

Dead Space are loc in cel de-al 26-lea secol, in spatiu, unde eroul principal este un inginer care raspunde la un semnal venit de la o nava infestata cu niste creaturi monstruase numite Necromorphs. Creaturile sunt corpuri umane reanimate de un virus extraterestru.



Dead Space is an EA’s sci-fi / horror video game that hit shelves last October. Variety announced tonight that Disturbia and Eagle Eye director D.J. Caruso is attached to direct a big screen adaptation. EA will produce the film with Temple Hill partners Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey.

Caruso has a few other projects lined up, like Jack the Giant Killer and The Defenders.

EA’s Dead Space is set in the 26th century in deep space, where an engineer who responds to a distress signal from a mining ship finds the vessel infested with monstrous creatures called Necromorphs. The creatures are human corpses, reanimated by an alien virus.



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