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Articole care conțin afișe (postere) de filme și seriale

"Baronul Manfred von Richthofen (Schweighöfer) este cel mai de temut si victorios pilot din aviatia nemteasca din Primul Razboi Mondial... " IMDb " Baron Manfred von Richthofen (Schweighöfer) is the most feared and celebrated pilot of the German air force in World War I... " IMDb
" Patru derbedei nefericiti planuiesc sa jefuiasca o banca." IMDb "Four hapless junkies plan to rob a bank. " IMDb
Haosul se instaleaza atunci cand un tanar rezident la medicina, de origine african-americana, o cere in casatorie pe prietena lui, de origine latina, iar cele doua familii trebuie sa faca planurile de casatorie. Chaos ensues when a young, African-American medical resident proposes marriage to his Latina girlfriend, and both families...
Celine: Through the Eyes of the World va aduce seria de concerte, date de Celine Dion in perioada 2008-2009 Taking Chances World Tour, in cinematografe. Celine Dion, the international superstar and best-selling female artist of all time, has toured around the world and back again, and now, Sony Pictures...
"Povestea unor pasageri intr-o calatorie pe Oceanul Atlantic, intr-un yaht, care atunci cand intampina ciudate conditii dificile ale vremii se refugiaza pe un vapor unde se intampla lucruri stranii."IMDb "The story revolves around the passengers of a yachting trip in the Atlantic Ocean who, when struck by mysterious weather conditions,...
Horrorfest s-a intors cu cea de-a 4 editie din 2010. Inca 8 filme de gen vor sarbatori festivalul inceput in 2006 de catre After Dark Films. In acest an festivalul prezinta filme de groaza, psihologice, cu creaturi si fantome. Cele 8 filme alese in acest an filme sunt (click pe...
"Un jurnalist incepator incearca sa rezolve cazul unui criminal in serie, inca in libertate. " IMDb "A rookie journalist looks to solve the increasingly vexing case of a serial killer on the loose. " IMDb
"O mana de oameni sunt prinsi intr-o batalie cu populatia indigena a unei planete. " IMDb T E A S E R T R A I L E R 1 T R A I L E R  Pandora (NOU) "A band of humans are pitted in a battle against a distant planet's indigenous...
"Un tip obisnuit, pe nume Joe intalneste femeia perfecta, dar datorita prietenilor si familiei incepe sa afecteze relatia. " IMDb " An average Joe meets the perfect woman, but his lack of confidence and the influence of his friends and family begin to pick away at the relationship. " IMDb
Mark are o zi grea. Viata nu e usoara si lucrurile incep sa se agraveze, atat de rau pana cineva moare si totul o ia razna. Mark is having a bad day. Life’s not easy, but things are about to get worse-much worse, and then someone dies and things...
“In Paris, un tanar angajat de la biroul ambasadorului Statelor Unite, se aliaza cu un spion american pentru a opri un atac terorist in oras.”IMDb T R A I L E R 1 T R A I L E R 2 (NOU) “In Paris, a young employee in the office of the...
"Totul se schimba in viata fetitei de 15 ani, Mia, atunci cand mama aduce acasa un nou prieten. " IMDb "Everything changes for 15yr old Mia when her mum brings home a new boyfriend. " IMDb
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